Ein Minenwarnschild mit Totenkopf auf einem nebligen Hügel.

Die Kinder starben, als sie gemeinsam mit Freunden in der Nähe ihres Dorfes Mong Pan im Shan State spielten. Weitere acht wurden verletzt. Die Region ist geprägt von regelmäßigen ethnischen Konflikten, in dem Dorf war es dennoch die erste Explosion einer Landmine. (auf Englisch)

Das Danger Mines Zeichen mit Totenkopf und Schriftzug.

Quelle: The Irrawaddy

Two children were killed and eight others wounded in a bomb blast in Mong Pan Village, Namkhan Township in northern Shan State on Friday, according to local sources.

A two-year-old girl and an eight-year-old boy were the victims of a bomb blast which occurred at 6:30 p.m. according to members of the Ta’ang Students and Youth Union (TSYU), an organization which provided assistance to the families affected and transported them to the hospital in Namkham.

“After we heard the bomb blast, people saw two children had died on the spot and another eight were wounded,” Lway Hlar Reang, TSYU’s secretary, told The Irrawaddy on Monday.


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