Atomwaffen: Historischer Verbotsvertrag beschlossen
122 Staaten haben bei den Vereinten Nationen in New York einen historischen Vertrag geschlossen: Ein internationales Verbot von Atomwaffen. Sämtliche Staaten, die Atomwaffen besitzen, sowie die Staaten, die unter deren Schutz stehen oder die ihre Waffen lagern, haben den Verbotsprozess boykottiert. Das neue Verbot wird in einer Reihe mit den Chemiewaffen-, Landminen- und Streubombenverboten gesehen.
Quelle: TheGuardian
More than 70 years after the world witnessed the devastating power of nuclear weapons, a global treaty has been approved to ban the bombs, a move that supporters hope will lead to the eventual elimination of all nuclear arms.
The treaty was endorsed by 122 countries at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Friday after months of talks in the face of strong opposition from nuclear-armed states and their allies. Only the Netherlands, which took part in the discussion, despite having US nuclear weapons on its territory, voted against the treaty.
All of the countries that bear nuclear arms and many others that either come under their protection or host weapons on their soil boycotted the negotiations. The most vocal critic of the discussions, the US, pointed to the escalation of North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programme as one reason to retain its nuclear capability. The UK did not attend the talks despite government claims to support multilateral disarmament.
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